March 27, 2020 I Coronavirus

NAMM Hosts Webinar Aimed At Small Businesses During COVID-19.

The NAMM Foundation hosted the most recent in its new series of free webinars on Tuesday, March 31. The webinar, titled “COVID-19 Small Business Relief Resources Part II,” provided details on the new legislation and actionable next steps for businesses.

“Until we can be together again, the NAMM website will be our gathering point with reliable and up-to-date information that you can trust to help navigate the financial aid that is coming from our federal and state governments, as well as the shared wisdom and creativity of our members of what survival strategies are working in this new reality,” wrote NAMM President and CEO Joe Lammond.

The event followed two recent webinars concerning the coronavirus. One, which took place on March 24 titled “COVID-19 Small Business Relief Resources,” and another on March 26 by Bob Phibbs called “Music Retail in the Time of COVID-19.”

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