
April 07, 2020 I Coronavirus

2020 Summer NAMM Show Canceled Due to COVID-19

NAMM has canceled the 2020 Summer NAMM Show, originally scheduled for July 9-11 in Nashville, Tennessee, due to concerns over the coronavirus. In a letter…

April 07, 2020 I Pandemic Stories

Jody Espina Announces JodyJazz Dealer COVID-19 Direct Sales Advocacy Program

In an effort to help its retail partners unable to function normally due to the Covid-19 pandemic, JodyJazz has launched the Dealer Covid-19 Direct Sales…

April 06, 2020 I Pandemic Stories, Q&A

D’Addario Battles COVID-19 Fallout

The Long Island-based manufacturer deals with shuttered factories and furloughs during the pandemic and seeks to help by supplying medical masks to New York. J.…

April 06, 2020 I Coronavirus

Gator Steps Up to Aid in Mask Shortage

To aid in the fight against the coronavirus, Gator Co. is drawing on its sewn goods design and manufacturing abilities to produce a line of fabric masks that…

April 02, 2020 I Coronavirus

NASMD Business Meeting Goes Virtual

The National Association of School Music Dealers may have canceled its annual convention due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but the organization still held its…

April 01, 2020 I Distribution

Music & Arts Selling D’Addario VENN Advanced Synthetic Reeds

D'Addario Woodwinds has announced that its Venn Advanced Synthetic Reeds are available exclusively through Music & Arts online from now until April 30 and…

April 01, 2020 I Coronavirus

Government Passes Stimulus Package, NAMM Provides Resources

On Friday, March 27, President Trump signed a historic $2 trillion stimulus bill to provide funds to individuals, corporations and small businesses to combat…

April 01, 2020 I Coronavirus

Guitar Center Furloughs 9,000

Guitar Center has announced that it will furlough 9,000 employees in response to the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. "Today we made the difficult…